Error Handling Without Throwing Your Hands Up

Posted on January 22, 2015

Error handling is an issue that often comes up in our reviews. Different programs have different goals with respect to error handling. In a simple script it might be acceptable to just crash if an error occurs. The techniques we are showing here are for high reliability programs, where we want to ensure we handle a selected set of errors.1

The examples below all have an idiomatic Java way of handling invalid input — throwing exceptions. The issue with treating invalid input in this manner is they break type-safety. Given the type signature List[Int] => FavouriteNumbers, there is no way of telling that it may throw an exception. Another way of saying this is they are partially defined on their inputs. That is, there isn’t a valid return value for all input values.2

This issue mean we can not reason about the methods, which increases our cognitive load.

  //List with a minimum length
  final case class FavouriteNumbers(l: List[Int]) {

  // Integer only valid with in a given range
  sealed trait Angle { val degrees: Int }
  final case class Perpendicular(degrees:Int) extends Angle {
    require(degrees == 90)
  final case class Straight(degrees:Int) extends Angle {
    require(degrees == 180)
  final case class Acute(degrees: Int) extends Angle {
    if (degrees > 0 || degrees < 90)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
      s"degrees needs to be between 0 and 90, $degrees is invalid.")

  final case class Obtuse(degrees: Int) extends Angle {
    assert(degrees > 90 || degrees < 180)

  final case class Reflex(degrees: Int) extends Angle {
    assume(degrees > 180 || degrees < 360,
      s"degrees must be between 180 & 360 degrees")

The solution is to encode the invariants into the type system. This means we move the validation of input into the types themselves. So we can only create valid instances, rather than throwing exceptions on invalid input. This means the compiler, rather than the runtime will inform us if we attempt to instantiate an object with bad data.

How can we achieve this?

First the requirement for FavouriteNumbers is the input is a list that must contain at least one element. Scalaz has just the thing we need — NonEmptyList[T]. As its name suggests it’s a list is guaranteed to be non-empty. We can rewrite FavouriteNumbers as:

final case class FavouriteNumbers(l: NonEmptyList[Int])

Second, creating an Angle can either succeed (with an Angle) or fail (with an error message). Scala provides what we need in the type Either. The value of Either must be an instance of Left or Right. By convetion Left is used for failure and Right for success. In our case a String or an Angle, giving: Either[String,Angle].

Rather than attempting to encode this for each of the classes implementing the trait, we can make their constructors private and use a method on the companion object to enforce the requirements at instantiation. Finally, there only ever needs to be a single instance of both Perpendicular and Straight. So let’s make them case objects.

sealed trait Angle { val degrees: Int }
private final case object Perpendicular extends Angle { val degrees = 90 }
private final case object Straight extends Angle { val degrees = 180 }
private final case class Acute(degrees: Int) extends Angle
private final case class Obtuse(degrees: Int) extends Angle
private final case class Reflex(degrees: Int) extends Angle

object Angle {

  def apply(degrees: Int): Either[String,Angle] = degrees match {
    case _ if degrees == 90
    case _ if degrees == 180
    case _ if degrees >= 0 && degrees < 90
      Right(Acute(degrees: Int))
    case _ if degrees > 90 && degrees < 180
      Right(Obtuse(degrees: Int))
    case _ if degrees > 180 && degrees < 360
      Right(Reflex(degrees: Int))
    case _                                   ⇒
      Left(s"Invalid angle $degrees. Needs to be between 0 and 360.")

We can use this same technique to improve our FavouriteNumbers example. This time using Scalaz’ implementation of Either, called disjunction. We can read the type of the disjunction just as we read Either’s. String \/ Angle is the same as Either[String,Angle]

object FavouriteNumbers {

  def apply(l: List[Int]): String \/ FavouriteNumbers = l match {
    case x :: xs ⇒ FavouriteNumbers(NonEmptyList.nel(x, xs)).right
    case Nil     ⇒ "Need at least 1 favourite number".left

Scalaz also offers the sugar of .right and .left, which is nice. In the examples above we are using a String as the error type, normally we would use a richer type.


We are now able to reason about the methods based on the type signatures. They are no longer partially defined functions — we now have a valid return value for all input values. We are encoding the error into the type signature, which forces the caller to think about and handle the failure case. This allows the compiler to help us. We now need to explicitly tell it how we want to handle failure. There are two typical ways to do this. First, we can transform a result to a common type using fold:

  val a:Either[String,Angle] = ???
  val failure:Function[String,Int] = _.length()
  val success:Function[Angle,Int] = _.degrees

  val result:Int = a.fold( failure, success)

Second, we can fail fast. map ignores the failure case and applies the function only to the success case:

  val result:Either[String,Int] =

  1. This post has been updated on 10 Feb 2015 after some wonderful feedback from Richard and Noel.

  2. It should be noted a partially defined function and a partial applied function are two quite different things. There is an excellent explaination on Stack Overflow.